Reclaiming our
We believe we are both actors and spectators of the divine comedy we call life.
As spectators, we cultivate our sense of wonder and reverence. As actors, we find ever new ways to give expression to the human experience.
Devotion springs from the desire to contemplate the mystery of existence. Art allows us to be cocreators of this mystery.
We gather together to retrieve our intuition, imagination, and inspiration. To be inspired means to let life breathe through us.
Memento quod te inspirat — Remember that which inspires you.
We contemplate to create and create to contemplate.
Devotion refers to an attitude of reverence that imbues our life with a sense of humility, wonder,and peace. It is a reminder of the beauty and fragility of the human condition.
This may be expressed through a forms of adoration, worship,or praise towards that which we hold sacred, as we find in organized religion. Yet it may also be experienced through the profane and mundane activities of our daily life.
Devotion is a way to illuminate some of the subtle aspects of our existence – the unconscious and the invisible, that which is obvious, yet all too often overlooked. It is the heartfelt desire to recover feelings of awe and fascination towards the complexity and the simplicity of nature.
Contemplation is a form of mindful attention that can be achieved through various meditative exercises.
The term contemplation (contemplatio) comes from the word temple (templum), a place of worship. Contemplation is also used as the translation of the Greek theoria, literally meaning “looking at” or “beholding”. It is, according to some of our Ancient Greek forefathers the highest form of wisdom.
To contemplate means to first look out onto things of nature that we cannot change, then look at the awareness of this perspective from within. In other words, it is the internal observation of the appreciation of the external.
We personally take contemplative arts to mean any perspective, attitude, or exercise that induces a state of heightened awareness, and presence. These can include working with the breath, movement, and active imagination.
We take art to be the creative activity of the self-actualized person. Creativity is a fundamental human predisposition and need as well as a vital force of nature. It is our way to play an active role in the unfolding of life.
Art was always part and parcel of life and at the service of community. It is only in recent times that art became a means of entertainment or a commodity that serves the market, the stage, or the ego.
We believe in art that brings us closer to that which is greater than ourselves: community,nature, and the sacred. In other words, we turn to art as a means of self-transcendence.
Art may refer to specific disciplines such as fields of the visual or performing arts, but it can also be the creative intention and aesthetic experience of any task. Our entire life can be seen as work of art. Our aim is to retrieve the place of art within life.
Devotion refers to an attitude of reverence that imbues our life with a sense of humility, wonder, and peace. It is a path of surrender and of service to that which is greater than us. It thus acts as reminder of the beauty and fragility of the human condition.
Devotion is a way to illuminate some of the subtle aspects of existence – the unconscious and imperceptible or that which is obvious yet all too often overlooked. It comes from a desire to recover feelings of awe towards the both the complexity and the simplicity of all things.
Devotion need not merely be expressed through forms of worship as found in organized religions; it can be experienced through the profane and mundane activities of our daily life.
Devotion is grounded in a feeling of gratitude that prompts compassionate action. It requires to put ourselves aside to take care of others. In other words, it is a path of thanksgiving that inspires us to be in loving service to the world.
Contemplation is a form of mindful attention that can be reached through various meditative practices. In contemplative states we become empty vessels of life, aware of the vital forces that move through us.
The term contemplation (contemplatio) derives from the word temple (templum), a place of worship. Contemplation is also used as the translation of the Greek theôría, literally meaning “looking at” or “beholding”. It is, according to some of our Ancient Greek forefathers, the highest form of wisdom.
To contemplate means to look out onto the things of nature that we cannot change, and observe this experience from within. In other words, it is the introspective appreciation of external reality.
We take contemplation to mean any perspective, attitude, or activity that induces a state of heightened awareness of the relationship between our internal and external worlds.
Art represents creative exploration, expression, and experience. Creativity is a fundamental human predisposition and need as well as a vital force of nature. It is our way to play an active role in the unfolding of life.
Art was always part and parcel of life, at the service of people and of nature. It is only in recent times that art became a means of entertainment or a commodity that serves the market, the stage, or the ego. We believe in art that brings us closer to that which is beyond our self-centred concerns.
Art can be found in disciplines from the visual or performing arts, but it can also refer to our creative and imaginative drives as well as to our aesthetic sensitivity to everyday activities and events. Our entire life can be shaped as work of art. Indeed, our aesthetics of existence may be our greatest creation.
Devotional arts come from the marriage of the inward experience of contemplation and the outward expression of creativity.
Pierre Teilhard de Chardin
The universe as we know it is a joint product of the observer and the observed.